Savannah Mathews

Legal Assistant


Savannah Mathews is a legal assistant with the Dodson Law Firm PLLC. She assists with general administration, call intake, and case preparation. In addition, screens potential clients for legal eligibility for criminal record expunctions or nondisclosures.

Savannah received her Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science with a Minor in Legal Studies from Sam Houston State University in 2020. Additionally, she is currently in the last year of her Master’s in Public Administration Degree with a focus on Government Affairs and Non-Profits, from Sul Ross State University in Texas. Savannah will enter law school in the Fall of 2022. She will focus her attention on criminal and family law because she believes that everyone, innocent or guilty, is entitled to their constitutional right of due process.

Savannah has served as an intern for successful U.S. congressional and other political campaigns. For example, ranging from local school board seats, to city mayoral seats, and has assisted with non-profit fundraisers from all over the nation. In addition, Savannah has worked for political consulting firms, where she has compiled relevant media sources for multiple candidates, trained and delegated work for new interns, and worked one on one with candidates to ensure that their campaign was being properly administered and organized. Her legislative history experience includes aiding community activists and their organizations in drafting and filing proposed legislation to the Texas House and Senate to secure better legal protections for domestic and family violence victims.

Savannah is a student, an indoor gardening enthusiast, and an avid reader of the classics.