Compensation Beyond Medical Bills: Damages in Houston Pedestrian Claims

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If you’ve been in a Texas pedestrian accident, you may be eligible to recover financial compensation for your injuries. To do so, it is necessary to prove that fault rests on the shoulders of the other party, usually a motorist or cyclist. Motorists have a duty of care to others they share the roads with in Houston, Texas. If that duty of care is breached, results in an injury, and that injury itself results in financial losses, you may have a strong personal injury case.

With a personal injury claim, you may be able to recover compensation for past medical bills and future medical expenses. This financial recovery can help pay off existing doctor bills, bills from the emergency room for medical treatment, surgery costs, and more. It would be unthinkable for a pedestrian accident victim to be responsible for these expenses when their personal injury accident was caused by a negligent party.

But does it end there? Are past medical expenses and future medical bills the extent of the compensation you may recover? While your pedestrian accident may have resulted in serious injuries requiring long-term care, and that care should be compensated for, it does not have to be the full extent of the compensation you recover for your personal injury case.

What Other Types of Financial Compensation Can You Recover for Your Pedestrian Accident Claim?

In addition to recovering compensation for your medical expenses, it is possible to pursue compensation for other damage and losses. With a strong personal injury claim, you and your Houston pedestrian accident lawyers will pursue compensation for both economic and non-economic damages.

Economic damages may help compensate you for the following:

  • Funeral expenses, memorial expenses, and burial costs. In the event that you lost a loved one in a fatal pedestrian accident, you may seek a settlement for any associated funeral bills.
  • Lost wages, lost future income, and lost income-earning capacity. If you missed work due to your pedestrian accident injury, you may be able to recover lost wages with a personal injury lawsuit. Additionally, if your injuries are long-lasting and prevent you from continuing the level of work that you were previously capable of, you may be able to seek a fair settlement for lost income earning capacity.
  • Physical therapy expenses. Some pedestrian accidents cause injuries that require long-term recovery periods. In such cases, rehab therapy may be required. This can be a costly expense. With a strong pedestrian accident claim, it is possible to seek compensation for your physical therapy bills.
  • Property damage. Typically, people think of property damage as compensation for vehicle repairs. But what about pedestrian accident cases? If anything on your person was broken in your pedestrian accident — be it your glasses, an expensive watch, or you are seated in a wheelchair or walking alongside your bicycle — you may be able to recover compensation for property damage.

Non-economic damages may include the following:

  • Disability or disfigurement. This may seem like something that could fall under economic damages instead of non-economic, but disability and disfigurement are life-altering conditions that may affect a personal injury victim mentally as well as physically.
  • Emotional distress and mental anguish. If your pedestrian accident injuries included injuries beneath the surface, you may be able to seek fair compensation for that pain and suffering. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a serious condition, as are anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses that sometimes arise following violent accidents and catastrophic injuries.
  • Loss of companionship or consortium. If you lost your family member in a fatal pedestrian accident, you may recover compensation for that loss. In addition to filing a wrongful death claim, there may be compensation for that loss of companionship represented by your parent, child, sibling, or spouse.
  • Lost quality of life. This can be difficult to quantify and put a dollar amount on, but if your injuries resulted in a loss of enjoyment in life, you may be able to recover compensation for that loss.
  • Wrongful death. Pedestrian accident fatalities are not uncommon. If you have lost loved ones in pedestrian accidents, you deserve the right to pursue justice and the maximum compensation for those losses. Houston pedestrian accident attorneys can help clients with wrongful death claims.

Can Houston Pedestrian Accident Lawyers Help You Maximize Your Settlement?

In addition to lifting some of the burden off of your shoulders while you seek compensation for your personal injury claim, pedestrian accident attorneys have actually been shown to help maximize the full compensation awarded in personal injury cases. Statistics show that those who elect to represent themselves in and out of court typically receive less in terms of financial recovery than those who retain professional legal counsel.

Our law firm has years of experience dedicated to pedestrian accident cases in and around the Houston area. To learn more about our approach to legal services, please contact us to schedule an in-depth case review.

Schedule a Consultation with Experienced Pedestrian Accident Attorneys Today

Dodson Law Firm has extensive experience representing pedestrian accident cases in Houston, Texas. Our Harris County law offices pride themselves on providing compassionate, communicative, and holistic legal services to personal injury victims in need of legal representation.

If you have been injured in a pedestrian accident case, or you have lost a family member in a pedestrian accident, you may be eligible to recover compensation in addition to medical expenses related to the accident case. To learn more, we encourage you to contact our legal team to schedule an initial case evaluation.

You may call us at 713-597-7141.


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