Criminal Records Cleaning

Our firm understands that a criminal record can have a significant impact on a person’s life, including limiting their job opportunities, housing options, and even their ability to travel. We strive to provide compassionate and effective representation to help our clients move forward with their lives. When we take on a criminal record-clearing case, we begin by getting to know our clients and their unique situation. We work closely with them to understand their goals and concerns and develop a customized strategy that is tailored to their needs. Our firm has extensive experience in expungement and record sealing, and we use this knowledge to provide our clients with the best possible legal advice and guidance. We assist our clients in gathering the necessary documents and evidence to support their cases, filing the appropriate paperwork with the courts, and representing them in court hearings if necessary. At Dodson Law Firm, we are committed to helping our clients clear their criminal records and providing them with the support and guidance they need to move forward with their lives.

List of Criminal Records Sealing Services:

  • Expungement
  • Record sealing
  • Pardon
  • Certificate of rehabilitation
  • Clemency
  • Set-aside
  • Juvenile record sealing
  • Federal record clearing