Child Custody

Child Custody& Conservatorship

Dodson Law Firm, PLLC can assist you with your child custody, conservatorship, possession and access and child support matters. Our firm’s focus is on your family and ensuring that you have a reasonable, workable, and parent-centered arrangement that maximizes your time and influence with your child and promotes a healthy parent-child relationship while ensuring that the conservatorship plan is in your child’s best interest.

Conservatorship (child custody) in Texas includes both legal as well as physical custody. In Texas, it is presumed that parents should be named joint managing conservators of their children. This means that both parents should have the right to make decisions regarding the education, religion, medical care, and control and discipline of their children.

In some situations, a court may find that shared conservatorship or joint custody is not in the best interest of the children. This can occur when there have been instances of domestic violence or child abuse. Dodson Law Firm, PLLC stands with you to address any concerns you may have regarding the care, custody, control, possession, and access of your children, and in obtaining a custody arrangement that is in your child’s best interest.

​Child Custody Mediation

In Texas, most parents are required to mediate any disputed parenting arrangements prior to obtaining a potential trial date. Dodson Law Firm’s legal team includes attorneys as well as experienced mediators who can walk you through the mediation process to reach the best possible negotiated outcome for your child custody matter.

Attorney Wendi Dodson is certified in Texas in Basic Mediation, and Advanced Family Mediation and Certified by Harvard Law School’s Harvard Negotiations Institute in Mediating Disputes.