Child Support Attorneys in Houston

Helping Clients Recover and Modify Child Support Payments

You probably look back on the day your children were born as some of the best days of your life. And while you may still take great joy and pride in your role as a parent, it is possible that your relationship with your partner or spouse has deteriorated over time. Not everything lasts forever, after all. In the event that you and your partner split up or enter divorce proceedings, it will become necessary to sort out many family law issues, including the payment of fair child support.

Child support falls under family law and is overseen by the office of the Texas Attorney General. Among the responsibilities of the government’s Child Support Division include enforcing and establishing Texas child support guidelines, a calculated base child support payment system, and reviewing and understanding both parents’ income and their ability to provide financial support in a timely manner. Child support also figures into child custody arrangements. You may even consider a paternity test necessary in some child support cases, as some parents doubt the validity of the father’s rights and obligations in child support payments.

Whatever your child support issue – be it the original legal process of determining child support, seeking unpaid child support payments, or seeking to modify your child support payment arrangement – Dodson Law Firm has the experience and qualifications to lend you legal assistance. The legal proceedings in child support and child custody cases can be complex and highly emotional. It is unwise to enter such family law matters without experienced legal representation in your corner. To learn what a Houston child support lawyer can do for either the custodial parent or noncustodial parent in a complicated child support matter, please contact our Harris County law office today.

What Are the Texas Child Support Guidelines?

A minor has the legal right to expect parental support under Texas law. This includes financial support. A family law judge determines child support arrangements according to Texas Family Code support guidelines. A child support payment shall be calculated based on a certain percentage of the responsible parent’s net monthly income. However, family law judges are granted a certain level of discretion in child custody and child support cases. Different factors may influence the enforcement of child support obligations in your case.

Child support payments may be increased or decreased, varying from the Texas guidelines, for several reasons.

These include:

  • Educational expenses past the age of 18, so long as the case meets certain requirements.
  • Health care expenses.
  • Special needs of the child.
  • Spousal support (also known as alimony or spousal maintenance).
  • The non-custodial parent’s travel costs in order to maintain a healthy relationship with their child.
  • And more.

In general, a family law court will adhere closely to Texas child support guidelines when determining how much the paying parent must provide in child support. The amount of child support provided can be strongly impacted by the number of children the two parents have together.

If there is one child, generally, the paying parent must provide 20% of their net income monthly. If there are two children, it will be 25%. Three children, 30%. Four children, 35% of the obligor’s net income. Five children, 40%. For six or more children, the paying parent must provide at least 40% of their net income.

What Factors Determine Child Support Payments in Houston, TX?

While the guidelines help family law courts determine child support in Texas, other additional factors may be considered.

These include:

  • Any special health care or educational needs for either the parents or the children.
  • How many children require financial support. The non custodial parent may not have legal obligations for every child, depending on the paternity of their parent/child relationship. so
  • The non-custodial parent’s gross and net monthly income.
  • Whether or not the noncustodial parent is providing health insurance to the children.
  • And more.

When Does Child Support End in Texas?

Child support obligations do not last forever in Houston, Texas. The parents responsible for paying child support typically must continue providing child support until their last child turns 18 or graduates from high school, whichever happens later.

However, there are certain circumstances where child support payments may be required after the age of 18 or after high school. If your child is disabled or requires additional support for their special needs, you may expect to continue paying child support after their 18th birthday. Additionally, if you owe arrears (unpaid or overdue child support), you are not off the hook just because your child has reached age 18 or has graduated high school.

What Are Acceptable Grounds for Modifying Child Support?

Sometimes, it may be necessary to modify your child support payments. Family law courts are not unsympathetic to parents whose circumstances change. However, it will be necessary to provide valid grounds for child support modification.

A court may agree to change the amount of child support required on a monthly basis based on a ‘material and substantial change’ in circumstances for the child, either parent, or anyone else involved in the Child Support court orders. Usually, child support modifications are possible simply because of a change in economic factors, such as a loss of a job or an increase in pay. Other times, a child support modification may be enforced if the parent or child has a change in their needs, such as a long-term illness or debilitating injury. Additionally, the noncustodial parent may request a modification for child support if they are now responsible for new children of their own, there has been a change in child custody, or the paying parent has been incarcerated.

What Happens if the Other Parent is Not Upholding Their Child Support Obligations?

The custodial parent has legal rights, including the right to enforce child support if the non-custodial parent is late or unreliable. A Houston child support lawyer from our law firm would be proud to assist you with such aims.

If the non-custodial parent is not meeting their child support obligations, there can be severe consequences. Texas family law judges take child support very seriously and will not rest until the custodial parents and their children are provided what they are owed. After all, when the non-custodial parent fails to pay child support in a timely manner, there can be significant repercussions for the custodial parent and their children.

What Are Different Child Support Enforcement Methods When Faced with Child Support Issues?

The custodial parent has the option to file for an enforcement of child support. While this is something that you are owed as a parent, the legal proceedings are complicated and best pursued with the representation of Houston child support lawyers.

You and a family law judge may consider the following child support enforcement methods:

  • A driver’s license suspension.
  • Holding the individual in contempt of court.
  • Intercepting funds such as federal tax refund checks.
  • Liens and property seizures.
  • Wage garnishment.

What Are the Benefits of Hiring the Legal Representation of a Child Support Attorney?

While the custodial parent and noncustodial parent have legal rights and protections, that does not mean that they should consider a child custody case without professional legal counsel. There are several benefits to hiring Texas child support attorneys to represent you in your complicated legal matters.

These include:

  • Ensuring that you have all the necessary relevant legal information to support you, your children, and your child custody case.
  • Reviewing and estimating child support payments.
  • Setting up the original child support arrangement.
  • Modifying child support payments as needed.
  • Representing you in and out of the courtroom.
  • Answering any questions or concerns you may have about child support legal proceedings.
  • Gathering valuable evidence to support your child support case.
  • Providing valuable legal guidance as you navigate the complex legal process.

Schedule an In-Depth Case Evaluation with Experienced Child Support Lawyers Today

Dodson Law Firm would be honored to represent you and your children in your child custody or child support legal matters. Whether you are looking to modify existing child support payments or set up the original child support arrangement, our legal assistance can be invaluable.

Our law firm prides itself on providing compassionate and caring legal representation to clients struggling to resolve their child support cases. Let us help you figure out how to pay child support, resolve child support disputes, and reach the most optimal conclusion for all involved.

Contact us at 713-597-7141.