Bicycle Accident Attorneys in Houston

Helping Bicycle Accident Victims Seek Compensation for Serious Injuries and Wrongful Death

Cycling is a popular mode of transportation and a form of recreation. But cyclists are left with very little protection from motor vehicles on the road. While a bicyclist should be encouraged to wear a safe helmet and other protective wear, these protections only do so much. The difference in size, weight, and power between a bike rider and most motor vehicles is extreme. When the two come into collision, bike crashes can be overwhelming, delivering devastating injuries and sometimes even fatal injuries to the cyclist.

If you have suffered severe injuries in a bicycle crash, you may be eligible to pursue compensation for your personal injuries and other losses. To do so, we highly recommend that you retain professional legal counsel from experienced bicycle accident lawyers in Houston. With professional legal representation, it is possible to obtain financial recovery to help pay medical bills, property damage, and other expenses related to your personal injury claim.

Dodson Law Firm has extensive experience representing injured bicyclists in and around the Houston area. There is no Houston bicycle accident case too big or too small for us to handle, and we would be proud to represent your legal rights as you pursue a fair settlement for losses. Our legal team prides itself on providing compassionate, communicative, and holistic legal services to accident victims in need. To learn more about our legal team and what we can do for your bike accident case, please contact our Houston law firm for a case evaluation.

What Are the Texas Bicycle Laws?

Texas Transportation Code provides the rules and regulations for how cyclists must share the roads with other motorists and vice versa. In general, Texas law treats bicycles the same as other vehicles on the road and holds them to the same duties of care under our traffic laws.

If possible, a cyclist must keep to the far right and try to remain within three feet of the curb. When passing another cyclist, pedestrian, or motor vehicle, they must do so with care and by signaling their intent.

If traveling with the flow of traffic, a bicycle has the same right to own a place in its lane. Many motorists are unaware of this fact and pass cyclists or nearly force them off the road. It is not uncommon to see bicycle accident cases wherein a motorist wrongly maneuvered around or too close to a cyclist who had the right to possess a lane.

In Houston, it is illegal for a cyclist to ride their bike on the side within a business district.

It is unlawful for any child under the age of 14 to ride on or operate a bicycle without wearing a helmet.

Many cities, including Houston, have Vulnerable Road User statutes in place. These are meant to protect cyclists, pedestrians, those in wheelchairs, and other vulnerable individuals on or near the road from oncoming traffic. There may be penalties for violating these laws.

What Should You Do After a Bicycle Crash?

If you are a cyclist who has been hit by a car, the first thing you must do is call 911. Medical attention is vitally important, even if you feel alright after the bike collision. Failure to seek medical care could cost you your life and your bike accident case.

If you are able, carefully move to a safe location along the side of the road. Attempt to assess your injuries. If you are not badly hurt, check on the injuries of others involved in the bike collision, including the at-fault party.

It would be wise to document as much evidence as possible. Obtain testimony from eyewitnesses, photograph the vehicle that struck you, and take photographs of your injuries and the condition of your bike.

When law enforcement arrives on the scene, provide them with your accident report. Police reports can be valuable evidence in bicycle accident claims.

Do not admit fault of any kind or downplay your injuries at the accident scene. Anything you say could be used against your case. Exchange contact information and insurance information with the negligent driver and anyone else involved in the bicycle accident.

If an insurance company adjuster arrives on the scene, you do not need to speak with them or provide a recorded statement. Insurance claim adjusters may seem sympathetic to your plight, but they are not on your side. They are there to limit financial exposure to their employers.

If you have not done so already, now is the time to contact the Houston personal injury attorneys of Dodson Law Firm. Our experienced legal team is more than capable of handling your bicycle accident claim both in and out of the courtroom.

Are Bicycle Accidents Common in Houston, TX?

Texas is one of the most dangerous states for cyclists in the entire country. In 2019, there were over 2,500 bicycle crashes statewide. Of those accidents, 68 bike riders lost their lives, and thousands more suffered serious injuries.

On average, Houston reports approximately 300 bicycle accidents every year. Troublingly, though, Houston’s rate of fatal bicycle accidents has nearly doubled since 2016.

Not wearing a helmet has been shown to dramatically increase the likelihood of a bicycle accident fatality.

What Are Common Causes for Bike Accidents in the Houston Area?

Bicycle accidents occur anywhere and everywhere, often when we least expect them. Even bike lanes and crosswalks, which are supposed to be areas where pedestrians and cyclists are granted the right of way, are not immune to many bike accidents in Houston.

Common causes of bicycle accidents include the following:

  • A driver fails to give adequate space to cyclists riding in their proper bike lanes.
  • A motorist makes an unsafe right turn without looking for a cyclist in bicycle lanes.
  • Aggressive driving.
  • Dangerous road conditions.
  • The act of opening a door without looking and a cyclist rides into it.
  • Driving or riding under the influence of marijuana, stimulants, or other drugs.
  • Drunk driving.
  • Failure to yield to the right of way.
  • Inattention.
  • Poor weather conditions.
  • Reckless driving.
  • Riding a bike at night without reflective clothing.
  • Road debris.
  • Speeding.
  • And distracted driving, such as texting while driving, talking on a cell phone while driving, eating while driving, personal grooming while driving, and other types of driver negligence.

What Are Common Bicycle Accident Injuries?

Bicycle collisions frequently result in life-altering and life-threatening injuries. Whether your injuries are minor or severe, we would be proud to represent your interests as you seek compensation.

The common bicycle accident injuries include the following:

  • Back and neck injuries.
  • Broken bones and bone fractures.
  • Burns.
  • Complete or partial paralysis.
  • Dental injuries.
  • Disfigurement and scarring.
  • Head injuries like concussions.
  • Internal bleeding.
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control.
  • Loss of sight, hearing, or speech.
  • Organ damage.
  • Pelvis injuries.
  • Road rash and other abrasions.
  • Spinal cord injuries.
  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI).
  • Whiplash.
  • Wrist and ankle injuries.
  • Wrongful death.

Can Houston Bicycle Accident Lawyers Help You Recover Compensation?

With a strong bicycle accident case, it is possible to recover compensation for your injuries and other financial losses related to your case. This settlement will come in the form of economic and non-economic damages.

Economic damages may include the following: emergency room medical care.

  • Emergency room medical treatment.
  • Funeral, memorial, and burial expenses in the event of bicycle accident fatalities.
  • Lost wages, lost future income, and lost income-earning capacity.
  • Mental health therapy expenses.
  • Past medical bills and future medical expenses.
  • Physical therapy expenses.
  • Property damage.

Non-economic damages may help compensate you for the following:

  • Disability.
  • Disfigurement.
  • Emotional distress.
  • Loss of companionship.
  • Loss of consortium.
  • Mental anguish.
  • Pain and suffering.
  • Wrongful death.

Schedule a Case Review with an Experienced Houston Bicycle Accident Lawyer Today

A Houston bike accident lawyer can help you win your personal injury case. It is not recommended to go forward with your bicycle accident lawsuit without the experience of a Texas bike accident attorney in your corner. With professional legal representation, it is possible to maximize your compensation, and it’s easier to contend with resistant insurance companies, take on the lawyers representing the defendant, and more.

Our personal injury law firm has years of experience representing injured clients in complex bike accident cases. To discuss your bicycle accident claim in more detail, we encourage you to contact our Texas law firm to schedule your initial consultation.

Call a Houston bicycle accident attorney of our firm today at 713-597-7141.